Inn at the End

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5 Tips for Creating a Compelling Character Backstory

Creating a backstory for your TTRPG (tabletop role-playing game) character can add depth and complexity to your character, making them feel more real and believable. I have found that taking the time to really figure out the details of a character really enhance my own experience. Here are the steps you can follow to create an engaging character backstory:

  1. Identify your character's main personality traits: What are your character's strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes, and what motivates them?

  2. Decide on your character's upbringing: Was your character raised in a wealthy family, or did they grow up in poverty? Did they grow up in a city or a rural area? What kind of education did they receive?

  3. Determine your character's early life experiences: What were some of the significant events that shaped your character's life, such as a traumatic event or a major loss? How did these events impact your character's personality and worldview?

  4. Choose your character's goals and motivations: What does your character want to achieve in life, and what are they willing to do to achieve it? What are their fears and insecurities?

  5. Add details to your character's backstory: Fill in any gaps in your character's story, such as their childhood hobbies, friends, and family members. Think about how your character's background has led them to the present moment.

With these steps in mind, here are three character seeds for you to practice with:

  1. A rogue thief: Raised in a rough neighborhood, your character learned to rely on their wit and agility to survive. They learned how to pick locks and steal from an early age, and quickly became known for their skills. Despite their life of crime, your character has a strong sense of justice and only steals from those who they believe deserve it.

  2. A noble paladin: Your character was born into a wealthy and powerful family and raised to be a leader. They were trained in the ways of combat and diplomacy, and became known for their bravery and noble deeds. Your character is driven by a strong sense of justice and a desire to protect the weak and vulnerable.

  3. A wise wizard: Your character was raised by a group of hermits in the wilderness, who taught them the ways of magic. Your character has a deep love of knowledge and a thirst for understanding the world around them. They see magic as a tool to help others and are always seeking new spells and knowledge to add to their arsenal.

The key is to make your character's backstory unique and meaningful to their personality, goals, and motivations.

If you create a backstory for any of these three character seeds, let us know in the comments! If you’d like to share a lengthy backstory not suited for the comments section, feel free to send it to the Inn Keeper via email or tag us on social media (@Inn_at_the_End)! The key is to make your character's backstory unique and meaningful to their personality, goals, and motivations. If all of this is too daunting to start, scribble. Doodling a character can help promote creativity and may help you find the character you are looking for.

Need a little more help creating an interesting character? Check out 5 Tips for Creating a Compelling Character!

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Grab your sword and keep on adventuring!

-The Inn Keeper-

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