Inn at the End

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Dungeon Drop-In: The Alchemist's Laboratory

In a new series we’re calling Dungeon Drop-In, we offer DMs and GMs a chamber, room, or otherwise contained area within a larger dungeon. The purpose of this series is to provide an interesting room for your adventurers to explore ready to drop into your next session with only minor tweaks needed to fit your campaign. Some may need more tweaking than others, but the bones are what matter. And, who knows? Maybe all you need is a little inspiration to break through your own dungeon-writer’s block, in which case this series may help bust down that block. Anyway, I present to you:

The Alchemist’s Laboratory

As your adventurers push open the creaking, stone door, they step into a room filled with an eerie, pulsating glow. The Alchemist's Laboratory is a small, circular chamber, dimly lit by the soft, bluish light of numerous magical candles arranged along the walls. The air is thick with the scent of potent herbs and alchemical ingredients…

Want to discover the lore, atmosphere, puzzles, and what possible boons or inhabitants lay within the Alchemist’s Laboratory?

To read the full room description, ready to drop into your own campaign, check out the FULL ARTICLE here: Dungeon Drop-In: The Alchemist’s Laboratory or you can subscribe to our Patreon for full access (only $1/month)!

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Grab your sword and keep on adventuring!

-The Inn Keeper-

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