Inn at the End

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Hard Time Getting Into Character? Try these 6 Tips

Playing a character in a tabletop role-playing game (TTRPG) can be a lot of fun, but it can also be challenging to fully immerse yourself in the role. Here are a few tips to help you get into character and make the most of your TTRPG experience:

  1. Understand your character's backstory. The more you know about your character's history, motivations, and personality, the easier it will be to imagine yourself in their shoes. Take the time to create a detailed backstory, even if it's not something that will be directly referenced in the game. I find that it’s easier if I can base a character off of a personality I’m familiar with in movies, books, other pop or historical culture.

  2. Get into the right mindset. Before starting a game session, take a few minutes to clear your mind and focus on your character. Imagine yourself in their situation and think about how they would react to the challenges ahead.

  3. Use descriptive language. When describing your character's actions or dialogue, use descriptive language that evokes a sense of the character's personality and mannerisms. This will help to bring your character to life for both yourself and the other players.

  4. Play to your strengths. If you're naturally good at accents, use them to create a distinct voice for your character. If you're good at physical acting, use gestures and body language to convey your character's emotions. Be true to your character and true to yourself. If physically acting out or using accents is too much, don’t worry. Stay in the mind of your character and make decisions reflective of the character. The fun will follow. That being said…

  5. Be willing to take risks. Sometimes, the best way to get into character is to just go for it. Don't be afraid to try something new or take a bold action, even if it feels a little uncomfortable.

  6. Collaborate with other players. TTRPGs are group effort and working with others to build and develop a story that everyone is invested in, it can be a great way to get into character and stay there.

By following these tips, you'll be well on your way to fully immersing yourself in your TTRPG character and having a great time at the same time. Remember, the most important thing is to have fun and enjoy the experience!

If you have tips for getting into character, let us know in the comments!

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Grab your sword and keep on adventuring!

-The Inn Keeper-

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