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7 Tips to Help Get Your Significant Other(s) to Try TTRPGs - HINT: Sometimes You Don't and It's Okay

Tabletop role-playing games (TTRPGs) are a fun and engaging way to spend time with friends, but getting a significant other to try them for the first time can be a challenge if they’re not already interested. They may be hesitant or skeptical about the concept, or unsure about how to play. However, with a little bit of patience and persuasion, you may be able to convince your significant other to give TTRPGs a try.

Before getting into the tips, though, we should make it clear that some people just don’t want to play. I know, it’s a wild concept. If your significant other expresses to you that they do not want to play, respect their decision and their boundaries. However, if they seem open to the idea these tips may help them move into action.

Here are some tips for convincing your significant other to try TTRPGs:

  1. Explain the basics: TTRPGs can be a difficult concept to understand if you've never played one before. Take the time to explain the basics of how the game works, what kind of story you'll be telling, and what each person's role will be. This will help them understand what to expect and make the experience less intimidating.

  2. Show them examples: There are many different types of TTRPGs available, so it's important to find one that will appeal to your significant other's interests. Show them examples of different games and settings, and explain how they can create their own unique character and story.

  3. Emphasize the social aspect: TTRPGs are a great way to spend time with friends and bond over a shared experience. Emphasize the social aspect of the game, and explain how it can be a fun and engaging way to spend time together.

  4. Start with a one-shot: If your significant other is hesitant about committing to a long-term campaign, suggest starting with a one-shot adventure. This is a single, standalone game that can be completed in a single session. This way, they can test the waters without making a long-term commitment.

  5. Be patient and understanding: It's important to remember that everyone learns at their own pace. Be patient and understanding if your significant other is hesitant or unsure about the game. Encourage them to ask questions, and be willing to answer any questions they may have.

  6. Show them the community: The TTRPG community is a welcoming and inclusive community. Show your significant other some of the online resources available, such as forums, podcasts, and videos. This will give them a sense of the community and the resources that are available to help them learn and improve.

  7. Lead by example: Finally, lead by example. Show your significant other how much fun you're having, and encourage them to join in. Be enthusiastic and excited about the game, and they'll be more likely to want to join in.

In conclusion, TTRPGs can be a fun and engaging way to spend time with friends, but getting a significant other to try them for the first time can be a challenge. However, with a little bit of patience and persuasion, you can convince your significant other to give TTRPGs a try. Explain the basics, show them examples, emphasize the social aspect, start with a one-shot, be patient and understanding, show them the community and lead by example. With these tips, you can help your significant other discover the joys of TTRPGs and make new memories together. Above all, respect their boundaries.

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Grab your sword and keep on adventuring!

-The Inn Keeper-

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