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Player Profile: What's Your Play Type?

TTRPGs, or tabletop role-playing games, are a popular form of gaming that allow players to create their own characters and embark on exciting adventures in a fictional world. However, not all TTRPG players approach the game in the same way. Some prioritize character development and story, while others focus on gameplay mechanics and combat. To help readers determine what type of TTRPG player they are, we've created a poll with questions about character creation, combat, immersion, NPC interaction, and homebrew rules. By assigning point values to each answer, readers can discover whether they are a role-player, adventurer, or gamer in their TTRPG experience.

  1. When creating a character, which of these aspects do you prioritize the most?

    a. Backstory and personality

    b. Abilities and stats

    c. Appearance and gear

  2. How do you approach combat encounters in TTRPGs?

    a. Strategize and plan before engaging in combat

    b. Go with the flow and make decisions on the spot

    c. Avoid combat whenever possible

  3. How important is immersion in TTRPGs to you?

    a. Extremely important - I want to feel like I'm really in the game world

    b. Somewhat important - I like to get into character, but I'm okay with some out-of-character chatter

    c. Not very important - I'm more interested in the mechanics and gameplay than immersion

  4. How do you like to interact with NPCs in TTRPGs?

    a. Roleplay extensively and try to get to know them on a personal level

    b. Keep interactions brief and to the point

    c. Prefer to avoid NPCs whenever possible

  5. How do you feel about homebrew rules in TTRPGs?

    a. Love them - I enjoy tweaking the game to fit my preferences

    b. Neutral - I'm open to them, but only if they're balanced and well thought out

    c. Dislike them - I prefer to stick to the rules as written

Speaking of Play Type, have you checked out our article on the often maligned “Rules Lawyer”? You can read more at Player Profile: The Rules Lawyer!

Scoring method:

  • For each question, assign the following point values to each answer:

    a. 2 points

    b. 1 point

    c. 0 points

  • Add up your total points and use the following scale to determine your TTRPG player type:

    8-10 points: Roleplayer - You prioritize story and character development in your TTRPG experience.

    4-7 points: Adventurer - You enjoy a balance of combat and exploration, but may not be as invested in immersion.

    0-3 points: Gamer - You are primarily interested in the mechanics and gameplay of TTRPGs, and may not be as focused on roleplaying or story.

What’s your play type? Do you agree with your results? Are there other play types to consider? Let us know in the comments!

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Grab your sword and keep on adventuring!

-The Inn Keeper-

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