Inn at the End

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Want a good horror TTRPG that is not Call of Cthulhu? Try Vaesen

Vaesen is a tabletop role-playing game (TTRPG) published by Free League that is set in a fantastical version of 19th century Europe. In the game, players take on the role of "mystical detectives" who investigate supernatural occurrences and confront otherworldly beings known as "Vaesen."

One of the key features of Vaesen is its use of the "Yearning" system, which tracks the character's inner turmoil and personal desires. As characters investigate the mysteries of the game's world, they must also grapple with their own emotional struggles and personal goals. This adds an extra layer of depth and complexity to the gameplay, as characters must balance their desire to solve the mystery with their own inner turmoil.

The overall theme of Vaesen is one of mystery and the unknown, as players uncover secrets and confront the supernatural creatures that haunt the game's world. The game's setting, which is based on real locations and folklore from 19th century Europe, adds a sense of historical authenticity to the game.

One of the ways that Vaesen differentiates itself from other TTRPGs is its use of the "Yearning" system and its focus on the inner emotional lives of the characters. Many TTRPGs focus more on combat and external conflicts, while Vaesen places a greater emphasis on character development and the personal struggles of the players.

Another way that Vaesen stands out is its setting, which is based on real locations and folklore from 19th century Europe. This adds a sense of historical authenticity and groundedness to the game, as players encounter real-world locations and creatures from European folklore.

In conclusion, Vaesen is a TTRPG that combines elements of mystery and the supernatural with a focus on character development and personal struggles. Its unique "Yearning" system and historical setting set it apart from other TTRPGs, offering players a immersive and rich gameplay experience.

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Grab your sword and keep on adventuring!

-The Inn Keeper

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