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Why am I so addicted to Call of Cthulhu? 3 Words...

Call of Cthulhu is a tabletop role-playing game (TTRPG) set in the world of H.P. Lovecraft's horror fiction, where players take on the role of investigators who encounter otherworldly horrors and must confront their own sanity. In the game, the emotions of horror, dread, and suspense play a significant role in creating a sense of atmosphere and tension.

But what is the difference between these three emotions, and how are they used in Call of Cthulhu?

Horror is an intense feeling of fear or disgust that is often associated with the unknown or the supernatural. In Call of Cthulhu, horror is often evoked through the depiction of grotesque or unsettling monsters and the revelation of dark and sinister secrets. The game's "Sanity System," which tracks the mental health of the characters, adds to the sense of horror by allowing characters to lose their sanity as they witness or experience horrifying events.

Dread is a feeling of foreboding or anticipation that something unpleasant or dangerous is about to happen. In Call of Cthulhu, dread is often created through the use of atmosphere and setting, such as abandoned, decrepit locations or the sense of being watched or followed. The game's focus on cosmic horror, which deals with the idea that the universe is vast and uncaring, can also contribute to a sense of dread as players confront the limits of their own understanding and mortality.

Suspense is a feeling of excitement or tension that comes from wondering what will happen next. In Call of Cthulhu, suspense is often created through the use of mystery and uncertainty, as players try to piece together clues and solve puzzles. The game's use of the "Keeper," a game master who presents the game's story and setting to the players, can also add to the sense of suspense as players try to anticipate what horrors or revelations the Keeper has in store for them.

Horror, dread, and suspense are all important elements of Call of Cthulhu that contribute to the game's atmosphere and sense of tension. Horror deals with the intense fear or disgust evoked by the unknown or the supernatural, dread is a feeling of foreboding or anticipation, and suspense is a feeling of excitement or tension that comes from wondering what will happen next. All of these emotions work together to create a immersive and unsettling gameplay experience in Call of Cthulhu.

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Grab your sword and keep on adventuring!

-The Inn Keeper

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