S03 EP026.5 - Chaotic Amateurs - Unbriefing (FREE)

Sorry, we couldn’t keep this one to ourselves. It’s another episode of our weekly Patreon wrap-up show “Unbriefing”. For more content like this, head over to our Patreon page and chip in (ONLY!) a dollar a month. Enjoy listening, sharing, and reviewing! Keep on adventuring!

This month’s sponsor: AwesomeDice.com 

Visit AwesomeDice.com and use code “CHAOTIC” on checkout for an exclusive 15% discount!

ChaoticAmateurs.com // ChaoticAmateurs@Gmail.com // @ChaoticAmateurs // Patreon.com/ChaoticAmateurs

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S03 EP026 - Chaotic Amateurs - The Flying Ship Boys

Ren and Friends at sea (and air) play a few rounds of Battleship with some surprise guests. A demonstration of some fine piloting, and some incredible magic, the crew make their way to Rehl-Sarin. Thanks for liking, sharing, and reviewing! Keep on adventuring!

This month’s sponsor: AwesomeDice.com 

Visit AwesomeDice.com and use code “CHAOTIC” on checkout for an exclusive 15% discount!

ChaoticAmateurs.com // ChaoticAmateurs@Gmail.com // @ChaoticAmateurs // Patreon.com/ChaoticAmateurs

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S03 EP025 - Chaotic Amateurs - Come Sail Away

Can you smell that, Chaotic Crew? Ahhh, it’s the fresh sea air. We join up with Ren and Friends as they make way on The Howling Night and The Pale Lady. Wait. But what’s that in the distance?… Thanks for listening, liking, sharing, and reviewing. Keep on adventuring!

This month’s sponsor: AwesomeDice.com 

Visit AwesomeDice.com and use code “CHAOTIC” on checkout for an exclusive 15% discount!

ChaoticAmateurs.com // ChaoticAmateurs@Gmail.com // @ChaoticAmateurs // Patreon.com/ChaoticAmateurs

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S03 EP024.5 - Chaotic Amateurs - Adventure Inc. Collab!

A special Thursday treat for our Chaotic Crew! Bentley sat down with the fine folks at Adventure Inc. Podcast! Take a listen and enjoy! Thanks for listening, liking, sharing, and reviewing! Keep on adventuring.

This month’s sponsor: AwesomeDice.com 

Visit AwesomeDice.com and use code “CHAOTIC” on checkout for an exclusive 15% discount!

ChaoticAmateurs.com // ChaoticAmateurs@Gmail.com // @ChaoticAmateurs // Patreon.com/ChaoticAmateurs

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