4 Basic Differences Between DnD and Call of Cthulhu

Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) and Call of Cthulhu are both tabletop role-playing games, but they differ in several key ways. Which should you choose?…

  1. One of the biggest differences between the two games is their setting and tone. D&D is set in a fantasy world and has a strong emphasis on sword and sorcery, while Call of Cthulhu is set in the world of H.P. Lovecraft's horror fiction and focuses on cosmic horror and psychological terror. This difference in setting and tone leads to different gameplay experiences in the two games.

  2. Another major difference between D&D and Call of Cthulhu is their game mechanics. D&D is a Dungeons and Dragons is a more traditional tabletop role-playing game, with players rolling dice to determine the success of their actions and character advancement through experience points. Call of Cthulhu, on the other hand, uses a system called the "Sanity System" to track the mental health of the characters. In this system, characters can lose their sanity by witnessing or experiencing horrifying events, which can affect their ability to function in the game.

  3. In terms of character creation, D&D offers a wide range of options for players to create their characters, including different races and classes. Call of Cthulhu, on the other hand, has a more limited set of character options, with players typically taking on the role of investigators in the game.

  4. One of the main differences between the two games is the role of the game master. In D&D, the game master is responsible for creating and running the game world, including creating and managing the game's non-player characters (NPCs) and setting up the story and quests for the players to complete. In Call of Cthulhu, the game master takes on the role of the "Keeper," who is responsible for presenting the game's story and setting to the players and creating a sense of tension and fear.

Overall, while D&D and Call of Cthulhu are both tabletop role-playing games, they offer very different gameplay experiences. D&D is a fantasy game with a focus on adventure and combat, while Call of Cthulhu is a horror game that emphasizes psychological terror and the erosion of the characters' sanity.

Have you had the opportunity to play either game? Let me know your experience with both! Do you have a preference?

Do you play a game other than Dungeons and Dragons or Call of Cthulhu? Let the Inn Keeper know! Comment below.

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Grab your sword and keep on adventuring!

-The Inn Keeper

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