7 Tips to a Better TTRPG Experience for Everyone

Role-playing games (RPGs) are a fun and engaging way to spend time with friends and explore different characters and worlds. However, it's important to remember that the people you're playing with are real people with real feelings and experiences. Being sensitive to others while playing an RPG can help ensure that everyone has a positive and enjoyable experience.

Here are some tips for being sensitive to others while playing TTRPGs:

  1. Communicate openly and honestly: Before the game starts, make sure to communicate with your fellow players about what types of themes or situations they are comfortable with, and what types they would prefer to avoid. Be open and honest about your own boundaries and expectations, and respect the boundaries and expectations of others.

  2. Avoid triggering or sensitive topics: Some players may have experienced trauma or have other sensitive issues that they don't want to revisit through gameplay. Be aware of these topics, and avoid bringing them up or including them in the game. If a topic is brought up that makes someone uncomfortable, be respectful and sensitive to their feelings.

  3. Be mindful of language and representation: Be aware of the language you use and how it may affect others. Avoid using slurs or other offensive language. Additionally, be mindful of the representation of different groups in the game. Avoid stereotypes and ensure that all characters are treated with respect and dignity.

  4. Listen and validate the feelings of others: If someone expresses discomfort or a problem during the game, listen to them and validate their feelings. Don't dismiss or minimize their concerns. Show empathy and understanding, and work together to find a solution that makes everyone comfortable.

  5. Take breaks as needed: Playing an RPG can be intense and emotionally taxing. Be aware of your own emotional state and that of your fellow players, and take breaks as needed.

  6. Be willing to compromise: Sometimes, different players may have different ideas about what they want to happen in the game. Be willing to compromise and find a solution that works for everyone.

  7. Have fun: Most importantly, remember that the goal of playing an RPG is to have fun. Be respectful and sensitive to others, but don't take things too seriously. Laugh, enjoy the game, and make memories with your friends.

In conclusion, while playing TTRPGs, it is important to be mindful of the feelings of others, communicate openly and honestly, avoid triggering or sensitive topics, be mindful of language and representation, listen and validate the feelings of others, take breaks as needed, be willing to compromise and have fun. By following these tips, you can ensure that everyone has a positive and enjoyable experience while playing TTRPGs.

If you have tips for inclusivity and anxiety-free play, let us know in the comments!

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Grab your sword and keep on adventuring!

-The Inn Keeper-

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