Posts in Book Reviews
Uncovering Gaming Treasure: Roadwarden - A Classic Text-based Adventure With a Modern Flair

“…Enter, Roadwarden, a relatively new title from Moral Anxiety Studios, that’s something of an interactive fiction game. It’s not quite a visual novel, but not quite a full, unbridled RPG either. In it, you take control of the titular Roadwarden whose duties involve keeping the roads safe, brokering trade, and delivering messages, all while managing your dwindling supplies, staving off hungry beasts, and watching the sun set earlier and earlier with every passing day…”

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Inn Keeper's Book Club: Legends and Lattes - A Cozy DnD Fantasy

Finding your place in the world is a daunting feat — setting aside the things you do and making space for the things you are is a challenge the Skalds have been writing poems about for a thousand years. No more is this exemplified than in Travis Baldree’s book, Legends and Lattes, a “book of high fantasy and low stakes” in which Viv, a powerful Orc warrior, sets aside her life of adventure to open a cafe in a city where no one’s ever heard of coffee…

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Uncovering Gaming Treasure: Artefact

Artefact…a game that trades in the typical bipedal meat puppet adventurers for the quiet, contemplative experience of an object — an “artefact”? How might the many hands of your “keepers” shape your perspective of the world — or the ages which come and go like a fleeting Sunday evening? What impact might waiting to be plucked by a mighty hero from a deep, dank dungeon have on your psyche — on your relationship to that hero?

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Ultraviolet Grasslands: A Heavy Metal d20 Supplement

“This is the end of the Right Road. Humanity’s dominions wind down in the purple haze that wreathes the sunrises of this western reach. No roads, but caravans brave the Ultraviolet Grassland into the eternal sunset of the Black City.”

This is the setting for Luka Rejic’s Ultraviolet Grasslands, a game that takes the spirit of an…

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