Dungeon Drop-In: The Abyssal Observatory

In our second installment of Dungeon Drop-In, we enter the realm of darkness and horror. The purpose of this series is to provide an interesting room for your adventurers to explore ready to drop into your next session with only minor tweaks needed to fit your campaign. Some may need more tweaking than others, but the bones are what matter. And, who knows? Maybe all you need is a little inspiration to break through your own dungeon-writer’s block. Regardless, I present to you:

The Abyssal Observatory


As your party cautiously enters the chamber, you are enveloped in an eerie and unsettling atmosphere. The walls of this dungeon room are adorned with ancient, obsidian-black stone etched with bizarre and unsettling symbols that seem to writhe and shift when you gaze upon them. The ceiling disappears into a starless, infinite void, giving the unsettling impression that you are no longer within the confines of reality. In the center of the room stands an obsidian altar, upon which rests a grotesque and alien artifact resembling an otherworldly eye, its cornea a pulsating mass of cosmic energy.


The room is suffused with a palpable sense of dread, as if reality itself is unraveling. Faint, whispering voices can be heard in the distance, uttering incomprehensible words that send shivers down your spine. A cold, uncaring cosmic presence seems to be watching your every move.

Key Features:

The Eldritch Eye: The focal point of the room is the Eldritch Eye, the artifact atop the obsidian altar. It is a grotesque, fleshy organ with an ever-watching, bloodshot iris. When touched or approached, it emits waves of psychic energy that can induce maddening visions or mind-numbing terror in those who interact with it. Characters must make a Wisdom saving throw to resist its effects.

Cosmic Portals: On the walls, strange shimmering portals occasionally open and close, revealing glimpses of alien landscapes, impossible geometry, or towering, eldritch monstrosities. These portals may be entrances to otherworldly realms or sources of additional horrors.

Celestial Insects: Throughout the room, you notice strange, luminescent insects crawling along the walls and ceiling. These creatures are celestial in nature and are drawn to the party members' life force. If disturbed, they can swarm and attack, draining the life force of those they come into contact with.

Looking for more “plug and play” to use in your game prep? Try Inn Keeper’s Hoard: 3 Wondrous Items for Your Next DnD Campaign.

Puzzles and Challenges:

Sanity Test: To progress further into the dungeon, the party must solve a sanity-testing puzzle involving deciphering the shifting, eldritch symbols on the walls. This may require a combination of intelligence, wisdom, and charisma checks to interpret the cryptic messages. The message revealed will be up to the DM’s discretion as it can easily be used to tie in other campaign themes.

Eldritch Binding Ritual: To safely interact with the Eldritch Eye and potentially harness its power, the party may need to uncover and perform a forbidden ritual hidden within the room. This ritual could come with risks, such as attracting the attention of an otherworldly entity. DMs, consider requiring items the adventurers have picked up along the way as necessary parts of the unholy ritual.

Role-playing Opportunities:

Madness and Fear: Encourage players to role-play their characters' growing fear and madness as they delve deeper into the cosmic horrors of the room. Describe hallucinations, whispers, and nightmarish visions to enhance the atmosphere. Some of these whispers and visions can be helpful if the party needs a helping hand, but will they trust them in such a dark place?

Moral Dilemma: Present the party with a moral dilemma related to the Eldritch Eye. Does the power it promises justify the risks it poses, or should it be destroyed to prevent untold horrors from being unleashed upon the world?


The rewards for successfully navigating The Abyssal Observatory could include knowledge of cosmic secrets, the ability to harness eldritch powers, or an artifact related to the room's theme. However, these rewards should come with potential consequences, such as lingering madness or the attention of powerful cosmic entities seeking to reclaim what was disturbed.

Did you use this room in your dungeon? Did it spark your own creativity? Tell us about it in the comments!

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Grab your sword and keep on adventuring!

-The Inn Keeper-

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