The TTRPG Space is BOOMING - Here are Some Tips for New Adventurers

As the Inn Keeper, I want to make sure everyone is comfortable. Considering how many new adventurers have joined the TTRPG community lately, I thought it might be a good idea to share some tips on how to make a new adventurer’s first game session an exciting one!

If you have tips of your own, or a funny First-Session Story to share, please feel free to share with the other INN-habitants in the comments below.

Want more info on creating a safe gaming experience? Check out our previous post: 7 Tips to a Better TTRPG Experience for Everyone

Here are some tips for new TTRPG players to help gameplay run smoothly in their first session:

  1. Read the rules: Make sure you have a good understanding of the game's rules before your first session. This will help you feel more confident and prepared during the game.

  2. Create a character beforehand: Take some time to create a character before the first session. This will help you get into the game and the roleplaying aspect more easily, and prevent you from feeling overwhelmed during the session.

  3. Bring the necessary materials: Make sure you have everything you need for the game, such as dice, pencils, character sheets, and any relevant rulebooks or notes.

  4. Be respectful of other players: TTRPGs are a cooperative experience, so it's important to be respectful of other players and their characters. Listen to others when they're speaking, avoid talking over them, and be mindful of how your actions affect the group.

  5. Stay engaged: Stay focused and engaged during the session. Pay attention to what's happening and participate actively in the game. This will help keep the game moving and prevent boredom or distractions.

  6. Communicate with the DM: If you're unsure about something, ask your DM for clarification. If you're having any issues with the game, bring them up to your DM in a respectful manner.

  7. Have fun!: Remember that TTRPGs are meant to be a fun and immersive experience. Don't stress too much about getting everything right, and focus on enjoying the game and the storytelling aspect.

  8. Podcasts!: In today’s age, you can’t throw a magic stone without encountering a TTRPG or Dungeons and Dragons podcast. I’ve found that listening to actual-play podcasts (more on that in a later communication) really help communicate how gameplay works within a live group. A listener can familiarize themselves with the rules and roles by listening to a few episodes. (Note: All GMs/DMs and players are individuals with different views on rules, be sensitive to the group’s specifics.)

If you’re reading these tips and thinking, “These are obvious.” Great! You can help newer folks get comfortable.

Thank you for stopping by the Inn at the End. Don’t forget to subscribe to the Inn Keeper’s communications and, if you’re into podcasts, be sure to check out Inn at the End on your favorite podcast app.

Grab your sword and keep on adventuring!

-The Inn Keeper-

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