Inn Keeper's Hoard 1d100 Loot Table Edition: Enchant Your Adventures with Unique Treasures

Welcome to our Dungeons and Dragons magical loot table! As any seasoned adventurer knows, the thrill of discovering unique and powerful items is a core part of the DnD experience. Whether you're a Dungeon Master looking to spice up your campaign with some enchanted treasures or a player dreaming of the next great artifact to enhance your abilities, our 1d100 magical loot table is here to inspire and excite. This comprehensive list features original magical items ranging from the common and mundane to the wondrous and unique, ensuring your DnD sessions are filled with moments of awe and surprise. Roll your dice and let the magic unfold!

This table should provide a wide range of magical items for your D&D 5e campaign, from common utility items to powerful and rare artifacts.

| Roll | Item Name | Description |

| 1 | Amulet of Whispering Winds | Allows the wearer to send a 25-word message to any creature within 100 miles once per day. |

| 2 | Cloak of the Moonlit Night | Grants advantage on Stealth checks made at night. |

| 3 | Ring of Glacial Touch | Once per day, the wearer can freeze up to 10 gallons of water with a touch. |

| 4 | Boots of Feather Steps | Wearer takes no damage from falls of 60 feet or less. |

| 5 | Bracelet of Elemental Affinity | Grants resistance to one type of elemental damage (fire, cold, lightning, acid, or poison), chosen at dawn each day. |

| 6 | Pendant of True Sight | Grants the wearer the ability to see invisible creatures and objects within 30 feet for 10 minutes, once per day. |

| 7 | Belt of Giant's Might | Once per day, the wearer can increase their size to that of a giant for 1 minute, gaining advantage on Strength checks and saving throws. |

| 8 | Gloves of Phantom Touch | Grants the ability to interact with objects as if they were incorporeal for up to 1 minute, once per day. |

| 9 | Lantern of Endless Flame | Produces a magical flame that provides light but does not consume fuel. |

| 10 | Hat of Disguise Self | Allows the wearer to cast Disguise Self at will. |

| 11 | Elixir of Eversleep | When consumed, the drinker does not need to sleep for 7 days, although they still need to rest. |

| 12 | Quiver of Infinite Arrows | Always contains arrows. |

| 13 | Brooch of Shielding | Grants the wearer resistance to force damage and immunity to Magic Missile. |

| 14 | Tome of Forgotten Lore | Contains a random, useful piece of lore not commonly known. |

| 15 | Band of Banishment | Once per day, the wearer can attempt to banish a creature to its home plane for 1 minute. |

| 16 | Cloak of Etherealness | Allows the wearer to become ethereal for up to 10 minutes once per week. |

| 17 | Orb of Recall | Allows the user to teleport to a previously visited location once per month. |

| 18 | Staff of the Stormcaller | Grants the ability to cast Call Lightning once per day. |

| 19 | Boots of the Nomad | Wearer ignores difficult terrain. |

| 20 | Helm of Languages | Wearer can understand and speak any language they hear. |

| 21 | Shield of Vengeful Strikes | When struck by a melee attack, the shield can retaliate with a forceful blow once per day. |

| 22 | Wand of Illusory Flames | Creates harmless, illusory flames that last for 1 hour. |

| 23 | Ring of Temporal Stasis | Once per day, the wearer can freeze time for 1 round. |

| 24 | Cape of the Eagle | Grants the ability to glide safely from any height. |

| 25 | Chalice of Purity | Purifies any liquid poured into it. |

| 26 | Amulet of Beast Speech | Allows the wearer to communicate with animals. |

| 27 | Gauntlets of Ogre Strength | Sets Strength score to 19 while worn. |

| 28 | Stone of Returning | When thrown, this stone returns to the thrower's hand immediately. |

| 29 | Necklace of Fire Ward | Grants resistance to fire damage. |

| 30 | Ring of the Deep | Wearer can breathe underwater and swim at a speed of 60 feet. |

| 31 | Lantern of Revealing | Reveals invisible creatures and objects within 30 feet. |

| 32 | Circlet of True Aim | Grants a +2 bonus to attack rolls with ranged weapons. |

| 33 | Elixir of Giant's Strength | Temporarily grants the drinker the strength of a giant for 1 hour. |

| 34 | Cloak of Shadows | Grants advantage on Stealth checks in dim light or darkness. |

| 35 | Ring of Mind Shielding | Prevents detection of thoughts, location, or alignment. |

| 36 | Boots of Striding and Springing | Wearer's walking speed increases by 10 feet, and they can jump three times their normal distance. |

| 37 | Wand of Webs | Can cast Web once per day. |

| 38 | Orb of Night | Creates an area of magical darkness for 1 minute, once per day. |

| 39 | Belt of Dwarvenkind | Grants advantage on checks related to stonework and mining. |

| 40 | Amulet of Health | Sets Constitution score to 19 while worn. |

| 41 | Pendant of the Phoenix | When reduced to 0 hit points, the wearer is instead reduced to 1 hit point once per long rest. |

| 42 | Cloak of the Forest | Wearer can hide in natural surroundings without leaving traces. |

| 43 | Ring of Telekinesis | Grants the ability to move objects with the mind once per day. |

| 44 | Gloves of Thievery | Grants advantage on Sleight of Hand checks and checks to pick locks. |

| 45 | Staff of Healing | Can cast Cure Wounds (3rd level) once per day. |

| 46 | Boots of the Unseen Path | Wearer can leave no tracks and can walk on any solid surface, including walls and ceilings. |

| 47 | Helm of the Vigilant | Wearer cannot be surprised. |

| 48 | Elixir of Eternal Youth | Slows aging by half. |

| 49 | Ring of Spell Storing | Can store up to 3 levels worth of spells. |

| 50 | Amulet of the Planes | Once per month, the wearer can plane shift to a random plane. |

| 51 | Gloves of the Arcane | Grants a +1 bonus to spell attack rolls. |

| 52 | Lantern of the Fey | Summons a friendly fey creature for 1 hour, once per week. |

| 53 | Boots of Blinking | Grants the ability to Blink (as per the spell) once per day. |

| 54 | Circlet of the Mindflayer | Grants the ability to cast Detect Thoughts once per day. |

| 55 | Ring of the Frost Giant | Grants resistance to cold damage and advantage on Intimidation checks. |

| 56 | Necklace of Dreamwalking | Allows the wearer to enter another creature's dreams once per week. |

| 57 | Cloak of the Bat | Grants the ability to fly (as per the spell) in dim light or darkness. |

| 58 | Gauntlets of the Firebrand | Grants the ability to cast Produce Flame at will. |

| 59 | Amulet of the War Mage | Grants a +1 bonus to spell save DCs. |

| 60 | Helm of Insight | Grants advantage on Insight checks. |

| 61 | Elixir of Invulnerability | Grants resistance to all damage types for 1 minute. |

| 62 | Ring of the Guardian | Can summon a spectral guardian to protect the wearer for 1 minute, once per day. |

| 63 | Boots of Silent Steps | Grants advantage on Stealth checks. |

| 64 | Cloak of the Sea | Grants the ability to breathe underwater and swim at a speed of 60 feet. |

| 65 | Amulet of the Sun | Grants resistance to radiant damage and advantage on saving throws against being blinded. |

| 66 | Gloves of the Berserker | Grants advantage on melee attack rolls when below half hit points. |

| 67 | Ring of the Seer | Grants the ability to cast Augury once per day. |

| 68 | Boots of the Mountain | Grants advantage on checks to avoid being moved or knocked prone. |

| 69 | Circlet of the Moon | Grants the ability to cast Moonbeam once per day. |

| 70 | Lantern of Eternal Light | Provides bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet, never needs fuel. |

| 71 | Belt of the Lion | Grants advantage on Strength saving throws. |

| 72 | Amulet of Reflection | Reflects one spell of 3rd level or lower back at the caster once per day. |

| 73 | Gloves of the Shapeshifter | Grants the ability to cast Alter Self once per day. |

| 74 | Helm of the Dragon | Grants advantage on saving throws against being frightened. |

| 75 | Cloak of the Bear | Grants advantage on Strength checks and saving throws. |

| 76 | Ring of Feather Fall | Automatically casts Feather Fall when the wearer falls more than 10 feet. |

| 77 | Boots of the Wanderer | Wearer is unaffected by exhaustion from forced marches. |

| 78 | Amulet of the Eagle | Grants advantage on Perception checks. |

| 79 | Gloves of the Healer | Grants the ability to cast Healing Word once per day. |

| 80 | Helm of the Protector | Grants a +1 bonus to AC. |

| 81 | Lantern of the Ancients | Reveals hidden or invisible creatures within 30 feet. |

| 82 | Cloak of the Storm | Grants resistance to lightning damage and the ability to cast Thunderwave once per day. |

| 83 | Ring of the Shadow | Grants the ability to cast Darkness once per day. |

| 84 | Boots of the Hunter | Grants advantage on Survival checks to track creatures. |

| 85 | Gloves of the Mage | Grants a +1 bonus to spell attack rolls and saving throw DCs. |

| 86 | Helm of the Phoenix | Once per long rest, when reduced to 0 hit points, the wearer is instead reduced to 1 hit point and regains 1d10 hit points. |

| 87 | Amulet of the Wolf | Grants advantage on attack rolls when attacking creatures that haven't acted yet in combat. |

| 88 | Ring of the Warlord | Grants advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks. |

| 89 | Boots of the Wind | Wearer can Dash as a bonus action. |

| 90 | Cloak of the Serpent | Grants resistance to poison damage and advantage on saving throws against poison. |

| 91 | Gloves of the Artificer | Grants advantage on checks to create or repair magical items. |

| 92 | Helm of the Frost | Grants resistance to cold damage and the ability to cast Ice Knife once per day. |

| 93 | Amulet of the Guardian | Grants the ability to cast Shield once per day. |

| 94 | Boots of the Fey Step | Grants the ability to cast Misty Step once per day. |

| 95 | Ring of the Undying | Wearer does not age while wearing this ring. |

| 96 | Lantern of the Stars | Reveals constellations and provides guidance on navigation. |

| 97 | Cloak of the Griffon | Grants the ability to cast Fly once per day. |

| 98 | Gloves of the Titan | Grants a +2 bonus to Strength checks. |

| 99 | Helm of the Mind | Grants advantage on Intelligence checks and saving throws. |

| 100 | Amulet of True Resurrection | Once per year, the wearer can cast True Resurrection. |

Thank you for checking out our 1d100 magical loot table. We hope these items bring a little bit of stress-relief in your game prep and add mystery to your DnD campaigns. Keep this loot table handy for your next game session, and may your adventures be ever thrilling and your loot ever magical. Grab your sword and keep on adventuring!

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-The Inn Keeper-

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