Pop Culture Creation: Taylor Swift as a Dungeons and Dragons Player Character

We had to do it.

Welcome, adventurers and music lovers alike, to a tale unlike any other in the realm of Dungeons and Dragons. Today, we have the pleasure of introducing you to a player character whose melodies are as enchanting as her adventures are legendary. Prepare to be captivated as we provide you with the bard extraordinaire, Taylor Swift. A fully prepared character modeled after the queen mother, herself.

Taylor Swift: A Bard of Unparalleled Charisma:

In the world of Dungeons and Dragons, where magic and music intertwine, Taylor Swift shines as a beacon of charisma and talent. Born of a human mother and elven father, Taylor's journey began in a humble village, where her musical prowess quickly garnered attention. With her captivating voice and skillful guitar playing, she mesmerized audiences from a young age, setting the stage for her epic adventures to come.

Race: Half-Elf

Class: Bard

Background: Entertainer

Ability Scores:

- Strength: 10

- Dexterity: 14

- Constitution: 12

- Intelligence: 12

- Wisdom: 10

- Charisma: 16


- Skills: Acrobatics, Performance, Persuasion, Insight

- Tools: Disguise Kit, Musical Instrument (Guitar)

- Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma


Common, Elvish


- Rapier

- Leather Armor

- Lute (resembling a guitar)

- Entertainer's Pack (includes costumes, makeup, and other tools of the trade)

- 15 gold pieces

Features and Traits:

- Bardic Inspiration: Taylor can inspire others through stirring words or music. As a bonus action, she can grant one creature within 60 feet an inspiration die (d6) which can be added to ability checks, attack rolls, or saving throws.

- Jack of All Trades: Taylor adds half her proficiency bonus to any ability check she makes that doesn't already include her proficiency bonus.

- Song of Rest: During short rests, Taylor can perform to bolster her allies. If they spend Hit Dice to regain hit points, they regain an extra 1d6 hit points.

- Bard College: College of Glamour - Taylor has learned to weave spells of awe and beauty to entrance those around her. She gains abilities like Mantle of Inspiration and Enthralling Performance.

- Background Feature: By Popular Demand - Taylor can find a place to perform in any place where performance is accepted, receiving free lodging and food as long as she performs each night.


- I will do anything to protect my loyal fans.

- I seek to use my music to bring joy and inspiration to the world.


- Are you kidding me? How dare you.


Taylor Swift was born to a human mother and an elven father in a small village on the outskirts of a bustling city. From a young age, she displayed a remarkable talent for music, often mesmerizing the townsfolk with her enchanting voice and skillful guitar playing. As she grew older, Taylor realized that her music had the power to sway emotions and captivate audiences like no other.

Leaving her village behind, Taylor embarked on a journey to share her gift with the world. Along the way, she faced many challenges and hardships, but her unwavering determination and charismatic personality helped her overcome them all. She traveled from town to town, performing in taverns, festivals, and royal courts, earning fame and fortune with each captivating performance.

But Taylor's true passion lay in using her music to make a difference in the world. Whether she was singing about love, loss, or the beauty of nature, her songs touched the hearts of all who heard them, inspiring hope and courage in even the darkest of times.

Now, as a renowned bard of the College of Glamour, Taylor continues to enchant audiences with her mesmerizing performances, using her music to spread joy and positivity wherever she goes. And though she may face many more challenges in her adventures, one thing is certain – as long as there are ears to listen and hearts to be moved, Taylor Swift will always be there to sing her song.

Now, with the magic, talent, and responsibilities of Taylor Swift at your control, what tales will you weave, and what melodies will you sing in the realms of fantasy?

Join us in the comments below to share your own character creations or to discuss the magic of music in D&D. Until next time, may your dice roll high and your songs echo throughout the ages. And, as always, grab your sword and keep on adventuring!

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-The Inn Keeper-

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