Inn at the End

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Strength and Skepticism: A Tale of Two Adventurers

In the diverse realm of Dungeons & Dragons, characters come to life with unique backgrounds, skills, and personalities. To put it in oversimplified terms, this week I wanted to create characters that represent two sides of a coin. The first is based on a biblical figure named Samson, whom I heard stories of while growing up. The second is, well, based on Matt Dillahunty (check out his Patreon), an intellectual icon who doesn’t have time for nonsense, D&D notwithstanding. In this week’s blog, we delve into the stories of two exceptional adventurers: Samson the Mighty and Matt the Skeptic and provide you with two playable characters (keep scrolling). In this case, both are part of a rich and fantastical fiction of the mind.

Samson the Mighty: A Force of Nature

In the quiet hamlets and bustling towns, tales of Samson's legendary strength echo through the ages. Born to humble beginnings, Samson's early years were marked by the discovery of his extraordinary physical prowess. A folk hero and protector of the commoners, Samson's heart beats with the rhythm of justice. Standing tall and robust, he wields a mighty greatsword, a symbol of his unyielding commitment to the defense of the innocent.

Matt the Skeptic: Unraveling Mysteries with Reason

On the other side of the spectrum, we find Matt Dillahunty, a rogue of unparalleled intellect and skepticism. Hailing from the city of Knowledge, Matt's journey is one of inquiry and exploration. Armed with a rapier and a mind as sharp as his blade, he traverses the libraries and archives, seeking to unravel the mysteries of the world. His observant nature and analytical mind make him a formidable inquisitive rogue, adept at exposing falsehoods and discerning the greater truth, motivated by a desire to unshackle the world from slavery and lies.

Comparing Strength and Wisdom:

Strength: Samson's strength is a divine gift, a force of nature that can level mountains and crush adversaries. In contrast, Matt's strength lies in his mental acuity and cunning. While he may not be able to topple buildings with his long hair and bare hands, Matt's sharp mind and resourcefulness are his greatest assets.

Wisdom: Samson's experiences on the battlefield and his protective instincts have honed his wisdom, allowing him to make split-second decisions in the heat of battle. Matt's wisdom, however, is rooted in skepticism and critical thinking. His insights pierce through deceptive illusions, and he navigates the complexities of the world with a discerning eye.

Facing Challenges:

Samson charges into the fray with unbridled ferocity, his greatsword cleaving through enemies. In contrast, Matt excels in the art of subtlety, relying on stealth, observation, and precise strikes to overcome challenges. Samson's approach is direct and confrontational, while Matt thrives on outsmarting adversaries.

Unlikely Allies:

Despite their differences, both characters share a commitment to justice and protecting the weak. Samson's bold heroics inspire the masses, while Matt's skepticism challenges oppressive forces and encourages critical thinking.

In the tapestry of Dungeons & Dragons, Samson the Mighty and Matt the Skeptic are two threads, each contributing a unique hue to the grand narrative. One embodies the physical prowess of a mythic hero, while the other wields the power of reason and intellect. Together, they showcase the diverse paths one can tread in the fantastical world of D&D, proving that strength comes in many forms, be it in the swing of a greatsword powered by a deity or the precision of a rapier guided by intellect. Now, on to their stats…

Samson the Mighty

Race: Human

Class: Barbarian

Background: Folk Hero

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Stats (using point-buy):

  • Strength: 16 (+3)

  • Dexterity: 14 (+2)

  • Constitution: 14 (+2)

  • Intelligence: 10 (+0)

  • Wisdom: 12 (+1)

  • Charisma: 8 (-1)

Class Features: Barbarian (Path of the Berserker):

  • Rage

  • Unarmored Defense

  • Reckless Attack

  • Danger Sense

Background Feature: Folk Hero (Rustic Hospitality): Since Samson is a folk hero, he can find a place to hide, rest, or recuperate among other commoners, unless he has shown himself to be a danger to them.


  • Athletics

  • Survival

  • Intimidation

  • Animal Handling


  • Great Weapon Master: Samson is a master of using great weapons, gaining the ability to make more powerful but risky attacks.


  • Greatsword

  • Javelin (4)

  • Explorer's Pack

  • Traveler's Clothes

  • Amulet (a token of a significant event from his past)

  • Belt Pouch containing 10 gold pieces

Personality Traits:

  • Samson is confident in his strength but can be a bit reckless.

  • He is protective of the common folk and is always ready to stand up against oppressors.

Background Story: Samson was born in a small village and discovered his exceptional strength at a young age. As he grew older, tales of his feats spread throughout the land, and he became a folk hero. He defended his people against bandits and creatures that threatened their way of life. However, his rebellious nature and the misuse of his strength sometimes led him into trouble. Samson carries an amulet that reminds him of a pivotal moment in his life when his strength was tested.

Appearance: Samson is a towering figure with a muscular build, his hair long and untamed. He wears simple traveler's clothes, and his greatsword is a constant companion by his side.

Additional Notes:

  • Samson's rage ability can represent his moments of divine strength.

  • His reckless attack reflects his fearless nature in battle.

Matt the Skeptic

Race: Human

Class: Rogue (Inquisitive)

Background: Sage

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Stats (using point-buy):

  • Strength: 10 (+0)

  • Dexterity: 16 (+3)

  • Constitution: 12 (+1)

  • Intelligence: 16 (+3)

  • Wisdom: 14 (+2)

  • Charisma: 10 (+0)

Class Features: Rogue (Inquisitive):

  • Sneak Attack

  • Cunning Action

  • Evasion

  • Uncanny Dodge

Background Feature: Sage (Researcher): As a sage, Matt is adept at recalling information and conducting research, gaining access to libraries and scholars who might provide information about obscure topics.


  • Investigation

  • Insight

  • Persuasion

  • Deception


  • Observant: Matt's keen observational skills and attention to detail grant him a +1 bonus to Intelligence and Wisdom scores, and he can lip-read.


  • Rapier

  • Shortbow (20 arrows)

  • Burglar's Pack

  • Scholar's Robes

  • A letter of introduction from a prominent scholar

  • Inkwells, quills, and a small knife

  • A map of a library that he has yet to explore

  • Common clothes

Personality Traits:

  • Matt is analytical and questions everything.

  • He is calm and collected, rarely showing strong emotions… Unless you attack him with lies and misinformation and refuse to listen.

Background Story: Matt Dillahunty hails from the city of Knowledge, where seekers and scholars are the majority population. His passion for skepticism and inquiry led him to become an inquisitive rogue, specializing in uncovering the truth through careful observation and investigation. He is often found in libraries, seeking to understand the mysteries of the world and challenging dogma.

Appearance: Matt is of average height and has an agile build. His attire is practical and unassuming, with a focus on functionality rather than extravagance. His eyes convey a sense of curiosity and skepticism.

Additional Notes:

  • Matt's Rogue abilities emphasize his skills in observation, deduction, and agility.

  • The Observant feat reflects Matt's attention to detail and observational prowess.

Did you use either of these player characters? Were you inspired to create one of your own? Tell us about it in the comments!

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Grab your sword and keep on adventuring!

-The Inn Keeper-

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