S02 EP042 - Chaotic Amateurs - This place seems nice. A bit creepy, but nice.

After finding direction, Ren and Friends make their way to see Lord Slatebrook of Greenflower. Sounds like a bit of quaint and stately wrapped into a nice package. Are things as they seem? Tune in to find out. Thanks for listening, liking, sharing, and reviewing! Keep on adventuring!

ChaoticAmateurs.com // ChaoticAmateurs@Gmail.com // @ChaoticAmateurs // Patreon.com/ChaoticAmateurs

GIVEAWAY UPDATE: We will be announcing the winner soon! Be sure to listen in next week as some lucky listener will win a CUSTOM dice bag, set of dice, and key chain from the talented Tabletop Crafter (@tabletopcrafter and etsy.com/shop/tabletopcrafter). Special “thanks” to Tabletop Crafter for teaming up on this giveaway, and for producing such awesome loot!