Digging Deep: 7 Indie TTRPGs Worth Trying

Are you tired of playing the same old tabletop roleplaying games? Are you looking for something fresh and exciting to sink your teeth into? If so, then you're in luck! In this blog post, we're going to introduce you to seven obscure indie TTRPGs that you might not have heard of before. Each of these games offers a unique and compelling experience, full of creative opportunities for players and Game Masters alike. So without further ado, let's dive in!

  1. Bluebeard's Bride - This game is a dark and twisted retelling of the classic Bluebeard fairy tale. The players take on the roles of the bride and her friends, exploring the haunted mansion where she lives with her husband. As they uncover more and more of the mansion's secrets, they must grapple with their own fears and desires. Check it out here: https://www.magpiegames.com/bluebeards-bride/

  2. Dream Askew - In this game, players take on the roles of characters living in a post-apocalyptic world where society has broken down. The focus is on community-building and exploring the characters' relationships with each other, rather than on combat or adventure. Check it out here: https://buriedwithoutceremony.com/dream-askew

  3. Blades in the Dark - Set in a haunted, industrial city, this game puts players in the role of a gang of criminals trying to make their way in the world. The game mechanics focus on planning and executing heists, but there are also supernatural elements to contend with. Check it out here: https://bladesinthedark.com/

  4. Masks: A New Generation - This game is all about teenage superheroes coming of age and discovering their powers. The players create their own superheroes and explore their relationships with each other, as well as with their mentors and the world around them. Check it out here: https://www.magpiegames.com/masks/

  5. Ten Candles - This game is designed to be played by candlelight, creating a spooky and atmospheric atmosphere. The players are survivors in a post-apocalyptic world, trying to stay alive until the end. As the game progresses, the candles are gradually extinguished, representing the dwindling hope of the survivors. Check it out here: https://cavalrygames.com/ten-candles/

  6. Fiasco - This game is all about creating a Coen Brothers-style movie plot, full of twists, turns, and unexpected betrayals. The players take on the roles of characters in a high-stakes situation, such as a heist or a love triangle gone wrong. Check it out here: https://bullypulpitgames.com/games/fiasco/

  7. Monsterhearts - In this game, players take on the roles of teenage monsters, dealing with all the usual high school drama as well as their supernatural powers. The game explores themes of identity, desire, and power, as the characters navigate their relationships with each other and the wider world. Check it out here: https://buriedwithoutceremony.com/monsterhearts

These games offer a fresh and exciting take on the genre, and we think that they're definitely worth checking out. So why not gather some friends, pick a game, and start playing today?

Have an indie TTRPG recommendation? Played any included in this list? Let us know in the comments, share your experience, help other TTRPG fanatics!

Want to take a DEEP DIVE on an Indie TTRPG? Take a look at Artefact by checking out the article Uncovering Gaming Treasure: Artefact!

There are so many amazing indie TTRPGs out there, just waiting to be discovered. Whether you're into post-apocalyptic survival, teenage superheroes, or twisted fairy tales, there's a game out there that's perfect for you. So don't be afraid to try something new – who knows, you might just find an unexpected treasure.

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Grab your sword and keep on adventuring!

-The Inn Keeper-

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